Research on the strength and disintegration characteristics of the Granite Residual Soil improved with cement
投稿时间:2014-11-03  修订日期:2014-11-03
中文关键词: 花岗岩残积土,崩解性,土体改良,水泥掺入量
英文关键词: granite  residual soil,disintegration,soil  improvement,cement  content
刘文骏 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院 215069940@qq.com 
陈秋南* 湖南科技大学 土木工程学院 cqndoc@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2026
全文下载次数: 0
      Topsoil slip, landslides and other engineering disease are likely to occur when Granite Residual Soil is directly used as sub grade filling. In order to eliminate the adverse properties of Granite Residual Soil,the grain composition of Granite Residual Soil of Nanyue MountainSAreaSin Hunan Province is analyzed, and it shows that Granite Residual Soil belongs to the sandy clay. In order to improve the performance when Granite Residual Soil is used as sub grade filling, it is improved with different admixtureSof cement. When the compaction degree of Granite Residual Soil is 90%, Laboratory triaxial test and laboratory disintegration test are conducted with the SLB-1 triaxial and permeability apparatus and the homemade disintegration test apparatus. The shear strength and disintegration test of improved Granite Residual Soil shows that the shear strength and the disintegrating conditions under the influence of water is gradually improved with the increase of cement content . The shear strength is greatly improved and resistance of disintegration gets a better improvement with 6% cement content. It can also achieve the purpose of improving local granite residual soil in practical engineering.
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