Study on consolidation deformation characteristics of lacustrine soft soil based on SEM analysis
投稿时间:2018-12-07  修订日期:2019-01-18
中文关键词: 软土  固结  GDS  微观结构  分形理论
英文关键词: Soft soil  Consolidation  GDS  Microstructure  Fractal theory
甘建军* 南昌工程学院 330099
摘要点击次数: 496
全文下载次数: 0
      The soft soil in Poyang lake area has the characteristics of "thousand-layer cake" of lacustrine soft soil deposited by river and lake interactions, and its consolidation characteristics are closely related to the soil particle structure. The quantitatively study of the dynamic changes of microstructure during the consolidation process was analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and PCAS software. SEM scanning and quantitative analysis of consolidation samples were carried out through GDS consolidation undrained tests with different consolidation pressures. The results show that the boundary points of primary consolidation and secondary consolidation of lacustrine soft soil are not obvious at low consolidation pressure. When the consolidation pressure is small, the microstructure of lacustrine soft soil is mainly flocculent and other irregular shapes. When the consolidation pressure increases to 400kPa, the granular structure of soft soil becomes honeycomb and other structures with high uniformity, and the compressibility of soil decreases. With the increase of consolidation pressure, the pores change from non-directional arrangement to directional arrangement. When the consolidation pressure is less than 400kPa, as the consolidation pressure increases, the slope of the fractal dimension of porosity rainfall curve is larger and the reduction rate is faster, and the probability entropy is above 0.96. When the consolidation pressure is > 400kPa, with the increase of the consolidation pressure, the slope of the fractal dimension value change curve of porosity slows down, the rate of decrease slows down, and the probability entropy decreases rapidly. The higher the consolidation pressure is, the higher the average shape coefficient is, and the lower the fractal dimension is. When the consolidation pressure is less than or equal to 400kPa, the average shape coefficient increases faster, while the fractal dimension decreases faster. When the consolidation pressure is > 400kPa, the average shape coefficient and fractal dimension are basically unchanged with the increase of the consolidation pressure. The correlation coefficients between consolidation pressure and fractal dimension value of porosity, probability entropy, average shape coefficient and fractal dimension are all greater than 0.81, showing a high correlation.
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