Braided river sandstone-body ore-bearing law of Bayanwula uranium deposit in Erlian Basin
中文关键词: 辫状河  高分辨率层序  赋矿规律  巴彦乌拉  赛汉组
英文关键词: braided river  high resolution sequence stratigraphy  ore-bearing law  bayanwula uranium deposit  saihan formation
戴明建1,2,何万双3,彭云彪2,苗爱生2,杨建新2,申科峰2,刘璐2 1.中国地质大学(武汉) 资源学院湖北 武汉 4300742.核工业 二0八大队内蒙古 包头 0140103.中国人民解放军 66259部队内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051 
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全文下载次数: 375
      Based on the theory of fluvial sedimentology, high resolution sequence stratigraphy, and hydrogenic uranium metallogenesis, together with the core and logging data, the braided river faces were disscussed in detail that of upper member of Saihan Formation of Lower Cretaceous(K1s2). Analysis of vertical and horizontal distribution and genetic feature of braided river sandstone controlled by the base level cycle was made. It was concluded on braided river sandstone ore-bearing law of Bayanwula uranium deposit. Furthermore, the point bar ore-bearing model was build. Consequently, ore body was mainly in the point bar sandstone, which was formed under low capacity space condation, and in the meeting of braided river and point bar in Bayanwula uranium deposit. It was significant for perphery prospecting in Bayanwula deposit and paleo-valley type uranium prospecting in other area.
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