Analysis of Protective Layer Corrosive Cracking Based on Rust Layer Half Elliptical Distribution
School of Civil Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,XiangTan,School of Civil Engineering,Hunan University of Science and Technology,XiangTan
The difference of reinforced location makes the rust layer distribution different.In order to study the effect of non-uniform corrosion cracking in the corrosive,make a study of protective layer non-uniform corrosive cracking based on half elliptical rust layer distribution,and contrast the results to uniform corrosion.The analysis showed that the results between uniform corrosive cracking anf non-uniform corrosive cracking is different,especially in the angle area,considering the inhomogeneity of reinforcement corrosion is more practical.After the analysis of factors affecting corrosive cracking,founded that protective layer thickness and steel diameter is more influential than tensile strength of concrete.